Entries by admin

Walk A Mile In Their Shoes

We all know that feeling. That hunker down, close your eyes against the snow, don’t breathe in too deeply or you’ll cough from the cold kind of feeling. Winter in Calgary. We boast that we’re tough, that we can withstand anything. We are, after all, Albertans. Forged in cold weather and an unpredictable mother nature. […]

Calgary Homebuilders Honoured

In November, 11 Calgary Homebuilders, who are members of the RESOLVE Campaign, were honoured at the National Philanthropy Day luncheon hosted by the Association of Fundraising Professionals Calgary.     CHF is proud to be a partner in the RESOLVE Campaign. These exceptional philanthropists represent the best of Calgary and along with the Government of […]

Eagle Spirit Survivor Street Celebration

CHF was pleased to attend an Eagle Spirit Survivor Street Celebration lunch on January 20, 2016. The Eagle Spirit Survivor Street Celebration lunches are organized every two weeks at the Community Wise Centre in Calgary. The lunch welcomes the Calgary community to get-together, enjoy a hot meal and catch-up. In partnership with The Aboriginal Friendship Centre of Calgary (AFCC), […]

The Community Initiatives Program helps Calgary End Homelessness

Homelessness is defined as “those who do not have a permanent residence to which they can return whenever they so choose.” Due to a lack of affordable housing In Calgary there are an estimated 3,500 individuals who live in that defined place called homelessness in our city. The late Mr. Arthur R. Smith, entrepreneur, politician […]

We will not forget you.

Thank you to all that attended the Longest Night of the Year on December 21, 2015. The memorial service was open to every Calgarian and allowed them to share their light and silence in memory of those who have lost their lives while experiencing homelessness in our city. As we gathered, we stood in silence […]

Coldest Night of the Year

February 20th brings the Coldest Night once again to Calgary. A partnership of charities aiding individuals experiencing homelessness and poverty is encouraging Calgary residents to bundle up and raise cold, hard cash for The Coldest Night of the Year (CNOY). The Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary (Feed the Hungry), KAIROS Calgary (Acadia Place) and The […]

Longest Night of the Year: We Remember.

By: Louise Gallagher We gathered in the early evening darkness, the city a constant hum of traffic on the streets surrounding us. We gathered and we held our tiny flickering candle lights and listened to the sounds and stood in the silence. Remembering. We remembered. People who have walked the streets, stood on corners and […]

Remembering those who never made it home.

  There are a thousand roads leading into homelessness, but only two leading out of it. One leads home. The other leads to the grave. On Monday, December 21 we will gather as a community to remember those whose road out of homelessness ended with their last breath. We will remember. And together we will say, “You are […]

Longest Night of the Year 2015

This winter, on Monday, December 21st in James Short Park, Calgary will hold a city-wide memorial service for those who have passed away while experiencing homelessness in our city. Coordinated by the Client Action Committee (CAC) at the Calgary Homeless Foundation (CHF), this memorial, called the Longest Night of the Year, will give a space […]

Thank you greengate Garden Centres!

This holiday season, greengate Garden Centres is once again offering Calgarians an opportunity to get involved in ending homelessness with their “Help the Homeless this Holiday” Campaign. From December 5 – 14th, everyone is invited to help the Calgary Homeless Foundation and its partner agencies end homelessness by dropping off any of the following donation […]