Eagle Spirit Survivor Street Celebration

CHF was pleased to attend an Eagle Spirit Survivor Street Celebration lunch on January 20, 2016. The Eagle Spirit Survivor Street Celebration lunches are organized every two weeks at the Community Wise Centre in Calgary.

The lunch welcomes the Calgary community to get-together, enjoy a hot meal and catch-up. In partnership with The Aboriginal Friendship Centre of Calgary (AFCC), the Eagle Spirit Survivor Street Celebration lunches begin with an opening prayer and Smudge.

The lunch events could not be possible without the amazing volunteers. Susan, Toni, Shandi, Samantha, Sheldon and Joyce offer warm smiles as they prepare, cook and serve the delicious lunches.

AFCC, one of CHF’s partnering agencies, provides social, cultural, education and employment services to the Aboriginal peoples withing the Calgary Metropolitan area.

Everyone is welcome to attend the next Eagle Spirit Survivor Street Celebration lunch on February 17, 2016 at the Community Wise Centre (223 12 Ave S.W.) from 12:30 p.m. – 2 p.m. If you are interested in volunteering, drumming and/or singing, please e-mail Shandi or call her at 403-270-7379 ext. 231.

 Eagle Spirit Street Survivors Group Luncheon 02 17 20162