Entries by admin

The Power of Home: Letter from a tenant

Recently, a hand written, anonymous letter arrived in the CHF mailbox. Addressed to the Calgary Homeless Foundation c/o Diana Krescy, the writer shares their experiences of having experienced homelessness for many years of their life and what it means to now have a home and a CHF owned apartment building with supports from a partner […]


On October 19, Canada will hold a federal election.  In the homeless sector, voting in an election is not a common practice.  This year, members of the CHF Client Advisory Council, want to change that. They are planning a ‘mock election’ in late September complete with ballot boxes, screening officers and candidates vying for the […]

Cleaning our air, one orchard at a time

On Sunday, August 9th, two Calgary Homeless Foundation (CHF) properties received 55 orchard trees. With the help of REAP and Enactus Calgary volunteers, nine local businesses, tenants and agencies, like CUPS and the Alex, Acadia Place and Abbeydale Place were successfully beautified and transformed into sustainable orchards, with the possibilities of fresh fruit in the […]

The Community Orchard Project

Taking care of Mother Nature is everyone’s responsibility; a task that can seem daunting in the midst of our busy lives. Respect for the Earth and All People (REAP) is an organization that is showing Calgarians just how simple taking care of our planet can be. A non-profit association for locally owned business that care […]

Cameron Bailey: New Chair of the Calgary Homeless Foundation

Cameron Bailey is the Calgary Homeless Foundation’s (CHF’s) new Chair of the Board and has served on the Calgary Homeless Foundation’s board since 2010. Cam and his wife Gelaine spent 15 years living overseas and have volunteered numerous times in rural communities in Africa. Some of their most memorable trips to Africa include time spent […]

Homeless Charter of Rights: Unveiled

By Rachel Campbell In 2013, the Calgary Homeless Foundation received funding through the Human Rights Education and Multiculturalism Fund to explore issues related to human rights within the homeless community. To investigate the  dynamic and multi-faceted issue of both homelessness and human rights, CHF initiated a 2-year participatory action research project to identify areas of […]

Aurora on the Park and Providence House — Building better futures

It was a day of hope  and possibility and new paths and new directions. It was a day to celebrate and open new doors to bright new futures. The kick-off for Aurora on the Park and Providence House, two new affordable housing projects that will become home for 49 formerly homeless Calgarians went without a hitch. The […]

One year. One Inspiring CEO.

Today marks one year at the Calgary Homeless Foundation (CHF) for CEO Diana Krecsy. Diana joined the Calgary Homeless Foundation as President and CEO in May 2014. Prior to working at CHF, she was the CEO of the Calgary Drug Treatment Court Society (CDTCS) from 2011-2013 and was instrumental in making sustainable changes that benefited […]

Aurora on the Park: A Personal Account

Written by Darcy Mammel *Photo credit: Cat Schick It’s a beautiful 19 degrees in Calgary and I’m on site at Calgary’s largest yarn-bombing initiative that will celebrate two new apartment buildings being built through the RESOLVE Campaign and Calgary’s Plan to End Homelessness. I’ve stopped here on my way to the Hillhurst Sunnyside Farmers’ Market, where […]