The Art Smith Awards were created in the name of the founder of CHF, Arthur R. Smith. Art was a Calgary icon known for his contributions to the community, including the creation of the Calgary Homeless Foundation in 1997. When he saw homelessness afflicting so many of his fellow citizens, Art acted without hesitation. These awards honour the tenacity and empathy of Art Smith, recognizing the same spirit in front-line employees and organizations who endlessly work to fight homelessness in our city.
Elders Lodge
Shane Gauthier and the Aboriginal Friendship Centre of Calgary
Nicole Netzband
Trellis Society
Sandra Clarkson
Calgary Drop-In Centre
The nominated project demonstrates:
- A strong commitment to fighting homelessness.
- Innovation in project design and delivery.
- Collaboration with other programs, agencies, or sectors to support people experiencing homelessness.
- A desire and willingness to share knowledge and resources with other programs and agencies.
The project must be complete, or if ongoing, have clear annual outcomes reported.
The nominee demonstrates:
- A strong commitment to fighting homelessness.
- Collaboration within the system of care to support clients towards independence.
- Through interaction with people experiencing homelessness an unconditional regard and respect for clients.
- Leadership within their team and/or organization.
The nominee demonstrates:
- Impact in the homeless serving sector of care because of their expertise and leadership.
- Advocacy in support of individuals experiencing homelessness.
- Encouragement and motivation given to others to take leadership roles in the CHSSC.
- Support for the nominee, demonstrating qualifications for award eligibility.
For questions, please contact
Art Smith Front-line Employee Award for Leadership
Nomination deadline: Monday, September 30th at 4pm MST
The Art Smith Front-line Employee Award for Leadership recognizes and honours front-line staff who support those at risk of, or experiencing homelessness through their demonstrated leadership in the homeless-serving system of care. The recipient through their expertise, leadership and dedication has created a lasting impact on the sector.
Art Smith Front-line Employee Award for Innovation
Nomination deadline: Monday, September 30th at 4pm MST
The Art Smith Front-line Employee Award for Innovation recognizes and honours front-line staff who support those at risk of, or experiencing homelessness through their innovative thinking in the homeless-serving system of care. The recipient has demonstrated critical thinking and implemented ideas that contribute to the improvement of the sector.
Art Smith Front-line Employee Award for Collaboration
Nomination deadline: Monday, September 30th at 4pm MST
The Art Smith Front-line Employee Award for Collaboration recognizes and honours front-line staff who support those at risk of, or experiencing homelessness by collaborating for greater impact. The recipient has demonstrated an ability to proactively collaborate with others and incorporate their input into solutions that create a lasting impact on Calgary’s homeless-serving system of care.
Art Smith Project Award
Nomination deadline: Monday, September 30th at 4pm MST
The Art Smith Project Award recognizes and honours projects that provide housing with supports to those at risk of, or experiencing homelessness.
Art Smith Leadership Award
Nomination deadline: Monday, September 30th at 4pm MST
The Art Smith Leadership Award honours a leader from the homeless-serving system of care whose actions or work has had a significant impact on fighting homelessness in Calgary. The recipient through their expertise, leadership and dedication has created a lasting impact on the sector. Nominees must be senior or mid-level leaders from front-line agencies or shelters.